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* live sound monitors

* about this project

* what is a sound mirror?


Soundmirror is a digital arts project that animates the site of a First World War Sound Mirror by listening to, and reflecting the soundscapes of the coastal environments of the North East today.

View Soundmirror with random sounds from database
Record a new sound and view Soundmirror


The artwork is controlled by sound data from the live sound monitors installed at three places related to the history of the sound mirrors and the sounds that have been added to the database during the project. This means the work is constantly changing with the environmental conditions at the sites, and evolving as more people take part in the project. The sounds you will hear are sampled and mixed from the database of sounds collected throughout the project, progammatically creating a new soundscape each time the work is viewed.

To view the work use the buttons above to choose whether you would like to record a new sound that is added to the artwork when you view it, or view the work with randomly selected sounds from the database collected during the project.

Soundmirror is an artwork created by artist Rob Smith, with sound design by Shelly Knotts. The project was commissioned by Co-Lab Sunderland for the Seascapes Partnership, with Sunderland University and Tees Archaeology.